Life On Wings is devoted to help Christians deepen their closeness to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  From that deepened relationship will flow the fruit of the new birth.  You will be nourished more than you can now imagine, and those around you will be blessed by the overflow of the Lord’s Grace.

Spiritual maturity comes from the partaking of solid food.
“bon appétit"


The people who have subscribed to Dr. Fullam’s teaching library over the past 40 years have come from all backgrounds and spiritual maturity.  Unbelievers, seekers, newly born, and the matured, have all moved into much deeper and fulfilling relationships with the true God, in Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
So, we encourage any and all to join us in the pursuit of an ever-increasing intimacy with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe your journey will be much more productive if you know your spiritual condition at the outset. One of the great obstacles to Grace is our resistance to fairly and honestly examine our spiritual condition.

In our routine life activity we see the wisdom of doing due diligence involving business matters and we research and investigate all manner of things from consumer goods to vacation destinations. We are earnest in knowing our medical well being, yet we mostly ignore or postpone any effort to discern the most important condition of all - our spiritual health.  Only you and the Lord know where you are today.  On second thought, let me change that statement.  If you are like most of us – only the Lord knows where you are today.  The mass of men go through their lives trying to avoid “The Audit”.

This brings to mind with great fondness, the Collect in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer at the opening of the Holy Eucharist.  Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy Name; through Christ our Lord, Amen.

“From whom no secrets are hid” – So it is not about hiding from God, as Adam and Eve did – it is about coming to grips with the reality of our own life.

We live in a rapidly changing society, and the culture itself is morphing day by day.  Even the Body of Christ (the church) is endeavoring to insert new methodologies in an effort to stay in touch with a changing audience.  There are some positive things happening in the church growth arena; yet there are some vital essentials slipping away.  There is much attention given to how life can be enhanced by having a relationship with the Lord, and what He can do for US; but there seems to be less focus on true discipleship, confession, prayer, forgiveness, repentance, one-to-one communion and how we should be maturing to a life lived for HIM.

I certainly do not want to dampen anyone’s enthusiasm in worship, I just feel that we need to make sure we understand our true nature.  We all need accountability, we all need support, and we all need proper teaching. If we are ever going to progress in a “right” relationship with God, we need to remind ourselves that He does not exist for our sake – we exist for His sake.  And so that leads to the subject of our honesty and integrity before the Lord.  He knows us completely, but do we know ourselves? And, are we willing to change those things that hinder our usefulness for him.

So for those of you who wish to take a look at your spiritual condition I’d like to have you consider a couple of things.

The first is to view a video which is linked to our Podcast venue https://Rdo.To/Mission1 Do so on your COMPUTER and select the Blue Button "Your Spiritual Condition".

The second option is in book form.  It is a look at Dishonesty and it’s children, Lying, Deceit, Hypocrisy and the like, and the devastating impact it is having on every aspect of our society including our personal walk with the Lord.  You will find a preview of the book in the complimentary download section at the beginning of the catalog or you can visit for a more complete understanding of the mission.

I look forward to hearing from you and I cannot recommend too highly that you join a group of fellow Christians to journey with you.

Bless you all – John Tiffany








That is Terry’s devotion. To that end I would be happy to help you in any way that I can. Please feel free to email me with any requests. If you wish to speak personally with me, please include your phone number in the email and I will call you at my first opportunity.

John Tiffany